Wanting a sunset, needed the storm.

Over the course of the past year and a half there have been many dark moments. Some I chose to never speak of again, as you can imagine when the heart gets broken and the mind gets low there are thoughts that enter your head that, while I recognize their severity, I am not too... Continue Reading →

Better Left Unread

I refuse to make someone feel like they are second best. Like they are a consolation prize. As if they are not what I want but I am lonely so I will put forth my best efforts to enjoy their company and make them feel like they are the partner I have been looking for... Continue Reading →

Body Memories

I walked across the parking lot on my way into work yesterday; I had to fight every muscle in my body from turning around and running back to my car and driving away. I wasn’t feeling down, I wasn’t feeling up. It was what has become my norm of just riding that middle ground. At... Continue Reading →

the time has come……..

I loved talking with her. I still do. She came up to pick up our youngest son after spending his February break with me. We went out to lunch, all the while she is saying that she needs to leave by a certain time to get back to her home, our previous home, and now... Continue Reading →

Of Comfort and Peace….

When I sat down to write “All that I had, I gave away (a letter to you)” I did so with a sense of relief, finally realizing what was nagging at me inside, something I could not identify until I hit me. The difficulty came from the feeling that I should be “moving on” and just... Continue Reading →

I hope I am not my Dorian Grey.

The eyes that star back at me in the bathroom mirror are that of a stranger. I do not recognize this person. He might as well be a passerby glancing from a crowd wondering whom this man was walking down the street staring intently at the sidewalk. The eyes, the eyes that once looked upon... Continue Reading →

So I can feel…..

The stove pops and hisses while the homemade Chicken noodle soup slowly completes its boil. A Television in the background provides the only conversation that has taken place all day. Silence is golden? Not to the overly active mind it isn’t. Sometimes there just needs to be sound and sometimes there needs to be a... Continue Reading →

To: My boys

On November 3rd, 1999 you were born. I can remember it like it just happened. The fear, excitement, and immeasurable love that tangled and bound up my body was crippling. You were born in the morning and your first day was filled with visitors, a proud mother and father trying their best to change you... Continue Reading →

How do I…..

The first time I said, “I love you” to her it slipped out by accident. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to say it to her; I had been waiting years to say those very words to her. She was house sitting for her neighbor, she wanted me to come over and stay with her.... Continue Reading →

The Dream….

The lake was large and deep.  The water while blue on the surface darkened quickly, so much that I could not see the kicking of my own feet.  My arms pushed and pulled at a rapid pace to keep myself afloat in what seemed like the exact center of the cold body of water.  I... Continue Reading →

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